Today, the 21th of June has the United Nations proclaimed that it is the international day of yoga. This year they have take the theme of health.
June 17, Times of Malta write: Our DNA gets affected of mind-body interventions, such as meditation, yoga. A study has shown that. The scientist now also know that already at a molecular level the benefits of mind-body interventions is visible. The effect that stress or anxiety would have on the body get reverses with mind-body interventions.
So I suggest that we all celebrate the international yoga day by practise yoga today. However, not only today. I suggest that we all start to practice more yoga overall.
Here in Malta you can easily find severely yoga studios. Or if you do not find any yoga studios that fits your schedule, you can just search on YouTube and find some yoga for free that fits you.
June 17, Times of Malta write: Our DNA gets affected of mind-body interventions, such as meditation, yoga. A study has shown that. The scientist now also know that already at a molecular level the benefits of mind-body interventions is visible. The effect that stress or anxiety would have on the body get reverses with mind-body interventions.
So I suggest that we all celebrate the international yoga day by practise yoga today. However, not only today. I suggest that we all start to practice more yoga overall.
Here in Malta you can easily find severely yoga studios. Or if you do not find any yoga studios that fits your schedule, you can just search on YouTube and find some yoga for free that fits you.
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